Thursday, April 14, 2011

Viking Handbook Cover (2)

This is my second Handbook cover that I created. I also used photoshop and illustrator to make this. For this cover, I wanted it to be simple with just a design, logo, the school name, and the year. This project is just that. I do think that this could've been done a little better if more time and planning went into it. This is also in a contest between all of the other Digital Design II classes. The winner will get their handbook cover design on next years handbook.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Viking Handbook Cover (1)

This is the first of my two Viking Handbook covers. These covers are for the 2011-2012 Huntington North High School handbooks. I got my inspiration from a Time Magazine. This project was created using both Photoshop and Illustrator. I am very pleased with how my project turned out. It has a close resemblance of the Time Magazine cover but is differenet to fit the HNHS scheme and logo.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Britto Self-Portrait

This is my Britto project. I created this piece of artwork using Adobe Illustrator. I first took a picture of myself, then used Illustrator to change the colors and patterns around my body. I then changed the Illustrator file to a .jpeg file. I am very pleased with how this project turned out.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I created my bobblehead project for Digital Design II using photoshop. I created this by taking a picture of half of my body, then putting it on photoshop. Then I cut out my head and rotated it two times. I then created an animation out of it. I didn't have any problems with this project. I am very pleased with it.